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Enforcement is the degree Bantara Conditions General Skills in units of the first Scout Enforcer Enforcer before Laksana. Enforcement Scout Group who have not completed the General Skill Requirements (SKU) Bantara Enforcement Enforcement has not been considered as a Boy Scout and is referred to as "Guest shelves", or "Guest Enforcer"
The requirements to be met
To achieve the level of Bantara Enforcement, Enforcement candidates must meet the following requirements:
* Diligent and actively following meetings Enforcement shelves.
* It has been studied and approved the Articles of Association of the Scout Movement.
* Understand and sincere practice and Tri Satya Dharma Dasa in his daily life.
* Can greet Scouts and know the purpose and its consumer.
* Know the signs identifying the Scout Movement.
* Know the structure and organization of the Scout Movement and the Governing Council of Enforcement and Pandega.
* Know the meaning of the symbol of the Scout Movement.
* Know the meaning of Pancasila.
* Know the history and figuratively color-color national flag of Indonesia, and can raise and lower it in the ceremony.
* Can be memorized sing the national anthem Indonesia Raya first stanza in the face of the crowd, and know the attitude that must be done if the national anthem is played or
sung at a ceremony.
* Know the meaning of the emblem of the Republic of Indonesia.
* Plain language of Indonesia in the following meetings Enforcement.
* Know the meaning and history of the Youth Pledge.
* Know the struggle of the Indonesian people and the Government's development plans.
* Know the composition of the Central Government of the Republic of Indonesia to the Village.
* Can be lined up.
* Always dress neatly, keep in shape, and maintain the cleanliness of their environment.
* Know the importance of food ingredients nutritional value, and can cook food in the camp for at least 5 people.
* Know about the diseases the most important people, and about ways to prevent it.
* Perform one of the athletic sports or one sport pool.
* Know customary social decorum Indonesia.
* Have Tabanas book.
* Faithful to pay money contributions to Gugusdepannya, as much as possible with the money
obtained from their own efforts.
* Mastering a skill in agriculture, industry or other fields of his own choosing, but that can be expected to be useful for later life.
* Can read clock and use a compass.
* It's never been camping at least 4 consecutive days.
* Never participate kerjabakti gotongroyong commissioned by Pembinanya.
* Religious (compatible with the religion of each)
* For the Enforcement of Islamic religion:
o Can Creed give sentence and know what it means.
o Understanding the Five Pillars of Faith and Pillars of Islam.
o Conduct prayer in congregation.
o Know history of Prophet Muhammad.
* For the Catholic enforcer:
o Know Bath sacrament, the sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy sacrament, the sacrament of Confession (Penance).
* For Protestants Enforcement:
o Can be singing four songs memorized Christian.
o Can say a simple prayer on certain occasions.
o Willing to lead the group studying the Bible.
o Knowing the rules just the Church.
* For Enforcement The Hindu:
o To meet the SKU for Scouting groups and classes Penggalang standby in the field of Hindu religious education.
o Know the meaning of "Wiweka", "Literature," "Literacy", and understand the meaning of "Tat Twam Asi".
* For the Buddhist Enforcement:
o To meet the SKU for Scouting groups and classes Penggalang standby in the field of Buddhist education.
o Understand and be able to sing-parita Parita in the SKU for Scouting groups and classes Preparedness Enforcement.
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Enforcement shelves or shelves are often simply called an organic unit in the Scout Movement which consists of at most 40 people Scout Enforcer. Enforcement is divided into 4 shelves sangga sangga, each consisting of 50-10 people Enforcer Scout. Enforcement is where coaching shelves Scouts aged 16 to 20 years, called Scout Enforcer.
Scout Movement members gather in units and Kwartir. Unit leader in coaching learners is Gugusdepan. In a complete Gugusdepan Standby contained brood, Penggalang Forces, Enforcement and Racana Pandega shelves. But if not possible, a gugusdepan may only have one just like shelves Enforcement unit.
Formation shelves aims to facilitate the collection, management, mobilization and direction of learners in the implementation of the Boy Scouts Enforcement to achieve its goals.Table of contents
* 1 General Provisions
* 2 Leadership
* 3 Member shelves Enforcement
* 4 Council Enforcement
* 5 Honorary Board
* 6 References
* 7 External links
* 8 See also
[Edit] General Provisions
* Shelves consist of a maximum of 40 people Scout Enforcer.
* Separate shelves with shelves Enforcement Enforcement son's daughter.
* Shelves made up of small units called "Support the" who, each consisting of 5 to 10 people Scout Enforcer.
* Establishment of buffering done by the Scouts themselves Enforcement, and if required can be assisted by coaches and Enforcement Assistant Scoutmaster.
[Edit] Leadership
* Shelves led by a coach Enforcement assisted by two Assistant coaches. Enforcement of Trustees at least 26 years of age was Assistant coach at least 26 years old.
* Assistant coach and the coach's son Enforcement should be held by men was the coach and Assistant coach Enforcement must be held by the woman's daughter.
* Each prop is led by a Leadership Support the (Pinsa) who is assisted by a Support the Deputy Leader. Pinsa and Wapinsa elected from and by members of the prop in question.
* By and from the Leaders Support the chosen one to carry out tasks at the level of shelves called Leaders Support the President called Pradana.
[Edit] Members shelves Enforcement
Enforcement shelves members consist of:
* Guest Enforcer
Guest Enforcer is a Boy Scout since age Penggalang who moved from the shelves Penggalang Enforcement Forces, or young men aged 16 to 20 years who had never been a member of the Scout Movement. The length of a Guest Enforcer maximum 3 (three) months. During a Guest Enforcer given the opportunity to adjust to the customs prevailing in these shelves. For members of other shelves were given the opportunity to know and assess the Guest Enforcer.
* Prospective Enforcement
Enforcement Enforcement is prospective Customers who voluntarily declared themselves unable to comply with regulations and Indigenous shelves and accepted by all members of the shelves to become a member of the shelves. The length of a Prospective Enforcement least 6 (six) months.
Transfer of the status of a Candidate Enforcement Enforcement Desk implemented with a simple ceremony and a dialog that contains the education of all members of the shelves.
Rights and Enforcement kewajibann candidates, among others:
1. Not have voting rights in the deliberations.
2. Have the right to speak in discussions, meetings and deliberations.
3. Shelves should follow the event in question.
4. Obliged to complete the SKU level Bantara Enforcement.
5. Obliged to participate to maintain and develop good name Ambalannya.
Each Candidate Enforcement Enforcement scouted by two Bantara / Laksana from shelves in question.
* Enforcement
Consisting of:
1. Bantara Enforcement, Enforcement of Scouts who have completed the General Skills Requirements Enforcement Bantara
2. Laksana Enforcement, Enforcement of Scouts who have completed the General Skills Requirements Enforcement Laksana
[Edit] Enforcement Board
To develop leadership in shelves, molded shelves Enforcement Council, which is abbreviated Enforcement Board. Enforcement Council headed by a chairman who called Pradana including the following:
* A chair called Pradana.
* A vice-chairman.
* A secretary called the clerk.
* A Treasurer.
* An Indigenous Stakeholders.
Activities, powers, duties and enforcement mechanisms of the Council include:
* The duties of shelves to plan and implement programs based on the Enforcement Decree of the Council.
* The Council devotion shelves is one year.
* Enforcement Conference held at least 1 (one) year which was attended by all members of the shelves with the event:
1. Evaluate the activities carried out.
2. Plan activities that will be coming shelves.
3. Talking about customs shelves.
4. And elect a Board of shelves next service period.
5. If needed, Support the shelves can form. In carrying out the duties, the Board of Work Support the shelves can form.
[Edit] Honorary Board
To resolve issues relating to honorary members, the Honorary Board formed an abbreviated Enforcement Honorary Board with members consisting of:
* Members of the shelves Enforcement
* Patrons and Vice Patrons Enforcement (as counselors)
Honorary Enforcement Board has wewnang and obligation to determine:
1. Inauguration, granting TKK, signs and other awards to deserving Scouts Enforcement or achievement.
2. Inauguration Support the Leader and Deputy Leader and Pradana.
3. Action against the violation of code of honor.
4. Rehabilitation of Enforcement shelves.
5. Members who breach before action is taken given the opportunity to defend himself in a meeting of the Board of Honor.
[Edit] References
* SK national scouts No.: 220 Year 2007 on Guidelines for Implementation of the Principles of Organization of the Scout Movement.
* SK national scouts No: 137 1987 on Gugusdepan Scout Movement.
[Edit] External links
* Kwartir national Scout Movement
[Edit] See also
* Movement Scout Indonesia
* Gugusdepan
* Scouting Glossary
* Scout Enforcer
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